Meet the Freds

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We Need One Like Him Today...

Yesterday in my Research Writing class, we took part in a discussion where we broke down the rhetorical tools of Martin Luther King Jr's speech, "I Have a Dream". Would you believe that although I have heard many parts of this speech, yesterday was the first time I have read the speech from start to finish. Sad, I know. As my class devoured the speech and uncovered the strategic forms rhetoric which MLK used, I was overwhelmed by the power in his voice, the sincerity in his words, the concern for freedom, and his inclusive approach towards every American. Thanks to the luxuries of the internet, and the accessibility that Youtube offers, I was able to go back and watched his speech one more time. How refreshing it was to have the absence of a Republican, Democratic, or other bias. How refreshing it was to hear someone who focused on EVERYONE'S well-being, and not just the popular majority. How refreshing it was to hear someone speak with such conviction and then know that following that speech, there was action. This made me think of how America now needs a modern day Martin Luther King. In the last year I have become a lot more interested in politics so that I can be aware of what is going on in the world around me. Man oh man, politics are EX-HAUS-TING! Far too often I hear empty promises and discrete lies. How wonderful it would be to hear from someone, like Dr. King, who didn't focus on destroying their opponents views or building themselves up just for the vote, but instead focused on the American Dream for everyone. It's no secret that America is struggling, any country would when opposing forces are only growing farther and farther apart. How far right can one go, and how far left? Just like in the gospel, sometimes the most effective thing we can do for ourselves is go back to the basics, I think that is exactly what our government needs, go back to the basics. Stop worrying about border patrol or taxes for just a moment and put sole focus on freedom...

Anyways, I promise I won't stand on the political soap box often but after yesterday's lecture, this has just laid heavily on my mind. We as American's are extremely blessed to have the luxuries and freedoms that we do and I personally don't want to loose those freedoms.

MLK's speech...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

But Blogging is for Married People??

Well, that's it. I've given into the world of blogging. For so long I told myself that blogging was just for people that were married and truthfully, I had every intention of starting a blog once I had that "special someone". Nope still don't have that someone but I've joined the bloggers regardless. Truth being I only have one event to blame for this premature blogging... Once upon a time, a couple friends and I thought it would a good idea to try out a little thing that Lutherans take part in. Lent. As a faithful Mormon that apparently practices a bit of Lutheran on the side, I've given up three things for this Lent season...1. Soda (Awesome idea, I've been soda free for 2 whole weeks now, great accomplishment compared to my 44ouncers a day I was putting down) 2. Fast Food (Again, great idea. No more 2:00 am DTR's for folks, not a "Determine The Relationship"'s a Del Taco Run!) and lastly 3. F-Book (WORST. IDEA. EVER.) Which is what brings me here today starring at my computer screen, wondering if I'm going to regret this blogging decision just like I regret my 40 day Facebook divorce...

Regardless of potential regrets, I'm here! So choosing a title of your blog is apparently a big deal and I wouldn't dare just call it Chelsea Maria Lee's Blog because that's just lame, us Lee's are more clever than that. Well as I thought about what I wanted to call it, I knew I wanted it to be something that described the way I approach my life considering this will pretty much be my form of journaling, sadly. I'm sure my family will be the main readers of my blog and may already know this little story but it is one that has inspired the name of my blog and has truly caused many moments of reflection in my life.

As most are aware, I served a mission back in 2008 in Boston Mass. As most are also aware, I came back from my mission in 2008. Eighteen months don't exactly fit into the same year and so yes, I came home much earlier than I had planned on. When I was in the MTC, Sister Mahaffey (my companion) and I teamed up with another companionship to teach each other the 3rd lesson which is on the Plan of Salvation. One of the sisters began the lesson with the following story...She was on a plane ride across the United States when she looked out the window, all she could see at that moment was a very thick blanket of clouds, there was no sight of the ground. She thought to herself, "What if this was all I knew at this moment? What if I didn't know where I had taken off from, what was beneath me, or where I was going to land?" She then realized that it would have made her flight completely pointlesss and scary as well. This sister missionary then related her experience to the Plan of Salvation and how there are so many people in the world that only see the clouds. Things in their lives lack purpose and trials seem meaningless and impossible to endure alone. This story hit me so hard as she taught it and I found myself very emotional as she spoke. At that time I thought my emotional state was because I knew this story would be a great way to teach the Plan of Salvation to someone who didn't understand. Although this story did serve a special purpose while I was on my mission, it wasn't because of its effect on nonmembers, it was its effect on me. When I made the final decision to come home, I was terrifed. All that filled my head was "What are people going to think of me? Will I ever be myself again? Will this pain ever go away? When will I feel light again?" I boarded the plane to Salt Lake City from Boston with puffy, tear filled eyes, and a hole in my chest. This feeling of emptiness lasted until the plane ascended from the ground, just high enough for me to look out the window and only see the clouds. I had a sudden feeling of strength, hope, gratitude, and understanding. I know where I came from, I know where I am headed, and more importantly, I know that everything I endure in this life does make a difference, it determines my eternity. From that moment on, the image of clouds has become a symbol of His plan for me and is a constant reminder to me to be strong, be faithful, remember the trial is worthwhile, love as He loved, and make the most of my life amongst the clouds.